branchwiseguys/main/Bootstrap refactorcancel

30 Commits over 823 Days - 0.00cph!

6 Years Ago
Fixed NRE when users quit while they have no character, and generally fixed up the NetworkSubscriber thing a bit
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Update build settings
6 Years Ago
WiseGuysTools scene selection thingee
6 Years Ago
Bootstrap object naming
6 Years Ago
Refactored the singleton classes that I added ages ago to better match the WiseGuys coding style, using virtual methods for subclasses to override and call the base, instead of having the base classes call a separate subclass method.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Remove folder
6 Years Ago
Bootstrap work
6 Years Ago
Separate client/server now working correctly. If you're Client, you can start on the new blank Init scene
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Camera settings
6 Years Ago
UI fixes
6 Years Ago
Bootstrap scene gone. New system essentially working
6 Years Ago
Refactoring network classes to not use Awake/Start/OnApplicationQuit/Update now that they're IBootstrap ScriptableObjects and those no longer get called
6 Years Ago
More conversion
6 Years Ago
Converting more stuff
6 Years Ago
Fix bug
6 Years Ago
Merge from Main
6 Years Ago
Working on conversions to the new system
6 Years Ago
Worked out some stuff. Plus removed bootstrap stuff from WiseGuys tools. Bootstrap is now a ScriptableObject that loads itself - I swear it makes sense
6 Years Ago
Add mathods from the old Bootstrap file
6 Years Ago
Initial bootstrap script import. Removed ActiveSceneCheck. Repurposed my MonoBehaviourHelper to mirror Bill F's equivalent MonoBehaviourEventCallback
9 Years Ago
switched the test bootstrap scene to be the main one now.
9 Years Ago
Removed old bootstrap stuff. Project settings stuff and old scenes.
9 Years Ago
Network Level loading / bootstrap. Created EditorSettings MenuItems
9 Years Ago
Handing bootstrapping in different build modes.
9 Years Ago
Set script execution orders for all bootstrap objects.
9 Years Ago
Remove vehicle physics asset and vehicle player code.
9 Years Ago
Switch to 5.3b3 to test bootstrap refactor.